Kidderminster Fellowship
- experiencing God - together -
bible underlined


We start our service each week at 10:30am with breakfast and Bible study. Everyone is encouraged to participate, sharing ideas and experiences around the Word of God.

At present, we are studying the Gospel of Mark with a particular emphasis on the way this author presents a summarised, concise view of the life and ministry of Jesus - in a way quite different from what the other gospel writers do.


To help make this study time more meaningful the following resources may be of use.

Biblegateway - a website (and app) offering numerous versions of the Bible along with commentaries and helpful notes.

Biblehub - a very helpful site which allows easy comparison of different Bible versions for a particular passage as well as access to commentaries.

Matthew Henry's Commentary - a commentary can be a very helpful place to begin reading when seeking background knowledge about a Bible passage.

Please note that Kidderminster Fellowship is not associated with any of these resources, receives no incentive for promoting them and cannot be held responsible for any external content.